Sunday, May 13, 2012


the complete disregard she emotes as she walks through the room sends shivers through me.  how can someone be so completely absorbed with never a thought to the rest of the world?  what kind of life is that?

Worth of a Woman

A virtuous woman, who can find?  She is worth more than rubies…did she have that Proverb right?  Well, close enough.  She scanned the kitchen.  Dishes, dinner remains, jug of ruby red grapefruit juice fallen from the trash.  She glanced into the TV room where the kids watched “The Wizard of Oz” yet again because easier to just give in than find something else for them to do.
Her earrings were rubies…eight dollars and fifty-two cents off Ebay, shipping cost more than purchase cost.
Today she felt all of that eight dollars and fifty-two cents:  the worth of a woman, indeed.
The 100 Word Challenge for Grown-ups has hit the 40th Prompt…to celebrate, the task is to incorporate RUBY into the 100 words.  You can read more entries  here.

Monday, May 7, 2012

This Blog is Changing

My purpose for this blog was a place for the oneworddotcom entries that I thought I'd challenge myself to do daily

Life gets in the way.  The only thing I do daily is change diapers.  Nothing else is guaranteed.

So instead of looking at this poor blog, I'll just use it for my flash fiction, as well.  I'm in Julia's 100 Word Challenge for Grown Ups and have been posting on our school blog as a model, but now school is almost out.  I'll post here, instead.

Maybe I need a new name to the blog, a new beginning to keep it from stalling.  Staling.  Stealing away.

Easy enough, right?